Severance and Change-in-Control Study

Radford McLagan Compensation Database

Severance and Change-in-Control Study

Contact us to learn more about participating in the Radford McLagan Compensation Database.

Talk to Our Team

Given increased M&A activity and continued investor interest in post-employment compensation practices, the need to have comprehensive severance and change-in-control programs, along with clear provisions for the treatment of equity awards upon retirement, is as great as ever. Our annual study gives clients a comprehensive read-out on where the market stands today.

Study Scope

By making our entire suite of market practice studies automatically available to Radford McLagan Compensation Database participants, and complimentary to everyone who provides a complete and timely submission, we’ve maximized our data collection efforts. Our most recent Severance and Change-in-Control Study includes:

  • 850+

    Broad-based Severance Participants

  • 500+

    Executive Severance Participants

  • 390+

    Change-in-Control Participants

Covered Practices

Our Severance and Change-in-Control Study covers the following key market practices:

    Employee Severance

  • Multiple benefit levels for employee severance
  • Cash severance calculation methods
  • Incentive plan and benefits implications
  • Minimum/maximum severance benefits
  • Support service offerings

    Executive Severance

  • Benefit plan implications
  • Cash severance calculation methods
  • Incentive plan treatment
  • Minimum/maximum severance benefits
  • Support service offerings


  • Change-in-Control policies
  • Double-trigger benefits
  • Single-trigger benefits

Sample Market Practice Studies Reports and Outputs

Source: Radford McLagan Compensation Database


Our Severance and Change-in-Control Study is conducted once a year with the following general schedule:

  • Data collection opens — February 2024
  • Data collection closes — July 2024
  • Results published — September 2024


Results for the Severance and Change-in-Control Study are provided in a PDF format. Separate reports are created for Employee Severance, Executive Severance, and Change-in-Control.


Access to the Severance and Change-in-Control Study is limited to Radford McLagan Compensation Database participants. All clients are automatically invited to submit data once a year via an online questionnaire posted on the Human Capital Analytics platform. To check on your company's submission status, while signed into Human Capital Analytics, click on the Participate tab and navigate to the Submit Market Practice Studies Data page and look for the "Severance" and "Change-in-Control" tiles.


All Radford McLagan Compensation Database participants who provide a complete and timely submission to the Severance and Change-in-Control Study will receive a complimentary copy of overall study results at the time of publication. Custom peer group analysis can be purchased separately at additional cost.

Radford McLagan Compensation Database participants who do not submit information to this study can purchase overall study results for a fee at the time of publication.