Article 5 Min Read
While women have made significant strides in the workforce, the gender pay gap persists. Discover how organizations can continue to make progress with interconnected policies and comprehensive programs that support female employees at every career and life stage.
Aon has conducted this study to assess the readiness of North America-headquartered organizations in addressing local and global pay transparency legislations.
As the deadline for implementing the EU Pay Transparency Directive fast approaches, some financial institutions feel unprepared to comply. These five steps can help guide the way through the upcoming regulatory landscape.
Efforts to bring more transparency to pay practices shine a light on benefits equity — and it’s not only about wages and salary.
New regulations in the U.S. and Europe will require companies to be more transparent about their pay practices. Combined with willingness among workers to talk about salary, the era of pay transparency is here.
72Episode 72: Aon experts discuss advancing pay equity and transparency
In a move designed to close the gender pay gap, the European Commission is increasing pay transparency across member states. Prepare your firm now for potential implications and opportunities.
New pay transparency laws are forcing employers to develop a pay disclosure strategy and make decisions like whether to voluntarily disclose salaries where it’s not legally required.
76Episode 76: Our Aon expert and guest discuss women’s health
As companies tailor their health and benefits to meet the needs of their employees, vital areas for support include family building and menopause.